
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Comparison Essay

Sitting here with the radio on low, I'm thinking about how
far music has come. Looking at my stereo I remember what it
was like as a kid listening to music.

As a young girl, I loved listening to music. A variety of music could
be heard in our house, and I loved it all. Records and turntables
were our "stereos" back then. Believe it or not, I even had an
8 track player.

Moving forward to ten years or so later I was in my late teens
when the cassettes and boom boxes were the craze. The larger
the box the cooler you were. I remember when I wanted to listen to a
particular song I would have to rewind or fast forward for minutes
that seemed like hours. Most of the time I would go past the song
I wanted and have to go back and forth until it was found. What
a pain in the neck that was.

Flying through the next ten years takes me to the generation of
CD's. Good ole compact disks. Now this is a topic my children
would be able to comprehend. What an amazing sound coming
from these tiny flat disks compared to the cassettes. I have to
admit, it took me a few years after they came out before I would
buy one, out of guilt of owning so many cassettes. I never thought
I'd cross over, but finally did. I was so glad I made the leap. It
was a much improved sound of music.

We have come a long way over the 30 years of my life developing
music devices. Eight tracks, then records, then cassettes and then
compact disks. We're discovering new and improved technology
each and every day. How exciting it will be to see what the future
will bring. But the bottom line is, music is beautiful no matter
what generation your life is in. So enjoy.


  • At December 6, 2007 at 6:32 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

    Same deal here as the contrast essay--they're set up identically except comparison deals with three similarities between two things.

    This is more like a process piece.

    Nevertheless, it's well-done, individual, and I'll take it as your final five-graffer.


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