Annotated Source List / Graf #10
"Causes of Depression-Factors Play a Role in Depression". Google. 23 October 2007. Although this website gave a wide range of depression causes, there was a section that gave more specific information pertaining to chemical imbalances caused by certain foods. The foods are explained to be a trigger of the imbalance that is already there. Which is information necessary for my paper. "Depression and Nutrition". Google. 23 October 2007. This was an excellent website for gathering nutrition and depression material. It had a lot of medical information pertaining to this topic. But even more so, it gave me more sites to branch out to for even more research. Author Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. "Potatoes Not Prozac". Copyright 1998. What an interesting book to read. It gave a lot of useful information and answered a lot of questions that I have had about causes and cures to not only others battles with depression and eating issues, but hit so close to home with my own experiences. Things really made sense to me in a deeper way. I've always known that what I eat has an affect on my body and moods, but learned by reading this book why and what foods are the culprit. I look forward to reading more about this subject and furthering my knowledge. GRAF #10 Research History The task of researching for my Isearch topic of Nutrition and Depression turned out to be informational and challenging. I decided to research my topic in 3 different ways. I googled the web for information and found it to be quite helpful. I also read a book that a health professional suggested to me for this purpose. Lastly, I conducted an experiment on myself changing my eating and exercise habits. Googling the web gave me the opportunity to find several websites to choose pertinent information for my topic. Wording as Nutrition and Depression narrowed the search to finding exactly what I was looking for. I was amazed at how well some of the sites fit my need. With time and patience, the web can be a great research tool. I then went to the health store and chatted with the owner about what I was researching for a topic. We talked about what I knew and what I wanted to have answered. She recommended the book, "Potatoes Not Prozac" for me to read. I really enjoyed this book. The information in it was well researched and put together by a doctor who had gone through her own situation. Her main goal with this research was to help others in need. This book was brought about by her wanting to help people dependent with alcohol, drugs and food addictions. This is an excellent book for anyone to read that would like to help improve there inner health. My third research tool was to conduct an experiment. When I began this research project, my initial attempt was to ask my friend who battles with depression to allow me to set her up on an eating plan and observe any changes. Her reaction was one that told me it wouldn't be an easy task to convince her she needed to change her habits. I felt the battle would not be productive and would not be able to complete the experiment. So, I chose to take an alternate route. I have been eating clean and exercising on a regular basis for over 6 years now. I don't have bouts of depression and my moods don't seem to fluctuate like they use to. So I decided to stop exercising and eat junk for a couple of weeks and monitor my results. I found out that it affects me more than I had ever realized. It actually became quite serious in a very short period of time. And yes, I hit a nasty depression and had a very hard time pulling myself back up again. Wow. Did this experiment open my eyes even wider. I'm even more determined to keep researching and learning. This topic really hits home for me and someday hope to help others who have gone through the same. I'm well on my way, but still have quite a journey before I have completed this project. I feel I have gathered pertinent information necessary for me to ask and asnwer the questions I have about nutrition and its effects and causes of depression. I look forward to the end result. |
At November 25, 2007 at 9:25 AM ,
johngoldfine said...
The annotations are fine.
The other material is really your Search section, but the assignment actually asks for something else: a glimpse of your non-school research history.
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